

Industry solutions and applications

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Plastics for industrial applications

For sure moveable in the long-term

Engineering plastics are used in many industrial applications. The broad spectrum of industrial sectors is also reflected in the variety of used materials. The spectrum ranges from highly reinforced polyamides for metal replacement to long glass fibre reinforced compounds for long-term loads with high dynamics. In addition to the appropriate mechanical property profile, the safety and durability of the engineering plastics used is decisive for applications.

Engineering plastics provide safety in industry and protect users and plant technology by means of energy absorption, flame-retardant equipment or electrical properties. They offer especially resistant solutions for high requirements, combining outstanding mechanical properties with chemical resistance. Long-term loads with high dynamics are made possible by the use of long glass fibre reinforced materials. They provide safety through highly reinforced compounds as a metal substitute.

Applications for the industry

Success stories


Safety Lock

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Process & Technology


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