Cable chains

Effects of scale: Customized materials offer unique benefits
High quality cable chains in a high dimensional variety
Decril Seril is a French company specializing energy and cable chains. For their broad spectrum of beneficial properties, Polyamides are the material of choice for most cable chain applications. However, custom compounds make a difference and enhance customer value. Especially in products that show a wide range of dimensions, bearable loads, and ambient conditions.
In big cable chains, that are widely used in automotive production facilities, AKROMID® B3 GF 40 L bk (4581) shows its advantages not only in easy processing and assembly without humidity uptake, but also in the reduced density compared to standard polyamides. The weight savings directly translate to less power consumption in use.
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For small cable chains AKROMID® B3 GF 30 S1 black (1281) is the material of choice that surpasses requirements and allows for a higher acceleration in and load in use. The demand for special applications with ATEX needs can be met with the carbon fibre reinforced Polyamide 6.6 AKROMID® A3 ICF 40 schwarz (5116).
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Aliphatic Polyketone AKROTEK® PK-VM natural (4774) for adjuster parts used in cable chains show a high flowability and can be processed in short cycle times due to fast crystallization. Moreover, AKROTEK® PK-VM natural (4774) effectively reduces noise levels in use.

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Disclaimer: All specifications and information given on this website are based on our current knowledge and experience. A legally binding promise of certain characteristics or suitability for a concrete individual case cannot be derived from this information. The information supplied here is not intended to release processors and users from the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and inspections in each concrete individual case. AKRO®, AKROMID®, AKROLEN®, AKROLOY®, AKROTEK®, ICX®, PRECITE® and DIA(hr)LOG® are registered trademarks of AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH.
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