Clutch pedal

Team Led by AKRO-PLASTIC Wins First Prize in „Powertrain“ Category
SPE Award 2015
For the 16th SPE Automotive Awards, AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH teamed up with Batz, S. Coop.; PME fluidtec GmbH; Moldetipo and BMW AG and was awarded first place in the Powertrain category. The winning component was a bearing block manufactured from AKROMID® B3 ICF 20 and a clutch pedal made of AKROMID® B3 ICF 15 (see header).
The award was based on various innovations, in the materials category and production process, and the weight reduction achieved with the process. The material used is a carbon-fibre reinforced PA 6 made with carbon fibres originating from conditioned edge trimmings from BMW AG. In a modified FEDDEM extruder, the fibres are converted to a highly stable compound which surpasses the strengths of a glass-fibre reinforced polyamide whilst also being 12.5% lighter. The PME fluidtec water-injection system used in production ensures an entirely reproducible process which, when combined with a Moldetipo mould and the AKROMID® material, meets the high standards of BMW AG. The component hollowed out by the water-injection process demonstrates greater stiffness and strength with uniform wall thicknesses.
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Clutch pedal with bearing block made of AKROMID® B3 ICF 20
In the Image/Product Brochure category, AKRO-PLASTIC received second place for the brochure featuring this innovative carbon-fibre product line, which is sold at AKRO-PLASTIC under the names AKROMID® ICF, AKROTEK® ICF and AKROLOY® ICF.
The aspects of the brochure which delighted the jury were the systematic conversion and conditioning of this highly technical product and the "palpably" rendered carbon structure on the brochure cover.
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From left: Sponsor Matthias Dykhuis, Kraus Maffei Technologies GmbH; Reinhold Krischke, BMW AG; Thomas Raithel, AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH; Pedro Zubieta, Batz, S. Coop.; Fernando Burguera Albizuri, Batz, S. Coop.; Friedrich Westphal, PME fluidtec GmbH; Thilo Stier, AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH; Dr. Klaus Dieter Johnke, SPE Europe.
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