Increased fire protection for public transport
Bus Seats for Urban Transport
Particular attention must be paid to safety requirements in intercity railway transportation. Since the safe evacuation of public transportation vehicles takes a longer time, strict safety standards have to be fulfilled, especially in the area of fire protection. AKRO-PLASTIC offers materials which are certified according to the current standards for buses (ECE 118) and trains (EN45545-2, NFPA 130).
In collaboration with Franz Kiel GmbH, a material especially for the seat "Citos" has been developed. The aim was to create an easy-flowing material with high surface quality, easy colorability and good mechanical performance, in order to meet both the requirements for a break-proof seat and the customers' increased demands for colour individualisation. The material also had to be able to successfully pass the fire tests according to ECE 118 (Appendices 6, 7 and 8).
With AKROMID® B28 GF 25 (6430) a material could be developed, which completely satisfies the customer and fully meets the fire protection requirements.
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Citos seat module produced from Akromid® B28 GF 25 natural (6430) by Franz Kiel

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Disclaimer: All specifications and information given on this website are based on our current knowledge and experience. A legally binding promise of certain characteristics or suitability for a concrete individual case cannot be derived from this information. The information supplied here is not intended to release processors and users from the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and inspections in each concrete individual case. AKROMID®, AKROLEN®, AKROLOY®, AKROTEK®, ICX®, PRECITE® and DIA(hr)LOG® are registered trademarks of AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH.
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